Dudleyville Wibeto: The fun had started without me.

OKAY HELLO HI HOWDY CRINGE First things first I hate this city/state/region and am doing my damnedest to return from whence I came. And by damnedest I mean I've given up and fallen into an abyss of wallowy delicious selfpity. HELLO YES I AM A CATCH. YOU ARE ENTICED NO. YOU MESSAGE ME. I feel old. My hair is turning increasingly gray or at least I think it is I've lost the courage to look in a mirror, and I feel like I've wasted my youth on idiotically fanciful notions of love. Love brought me here, and for that it must be destroyed. HELLO YOU ARE A MALE ON THE INTERNET YOU MUST BE BITTER LET'S BE BUDS YAY COMMISERATION. I like book things. I like extinct caffeinated beverage things. I like obese infant things. So, things. LET US BLATHER TOGETHER. And then maybe we can exchange pictures and then maybe you will see me and say EGADS THOU ART SUCH A HIDEOUS BEAST and I will cry and move myself down two notches on the selfesteem ladder.

 : daddyslittlepiglet daddy can i be the
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